Seminar "Coaching Clinic Potential Monetized Carbon Emissions in Bumi Etam" Collaboration with Hima Processing Forest Products and HA IPB East Kalimantan

HA IPB and Politani Samarinda Seminar
Samarinda (07/06/2023).The opening activity began with remarks, the first remarks were delivered by Ir. Andi Yusuf, MP (President of Hima PHH), he expressed his gratitude and happiness to all guests and participants for the time given to carry out this activity. The second speech was delivered by Ir. Rudi Azhar (Chairman of the Alumni Association of IPB KALTIM) expressed his gratitude to Politani Samarinda, especially the THH Department and PHH Study Program, who had given the opportunity to be able to work together in this activity. The third speech was delivered by Hamka, S.TP., M.Sc., MP. (Director of Politani Samarinda) in his remarks he said that the theme taken today was a very good theme, and I am proud of Hima PHH as the organizer of this activity and I hope this activity will run smoothly from the beginning to the end of the event, don't forget he also welcomed Ir. H. Stepi Hakim MEMD (Special Staff to the Governor of East Kalimantan) as well as All Alumni of IPB KALTIM at the beloved Politani Samarinda campus.

As a resource person in this activity Ir. H. Stepi Hakim MEMD (Special Staff for the Governor of East Kalimantan) who was born in Samarinda 51 years ago. At the level of his education, he has studied a Bachelor of Forestry at the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) in 1995, and a Master of Environment and Development at the Australia National University in 1998.
In delivering material about the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Carbon Fund ER Monitoring Report (ER-MR). He also said that the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan continues to make efforts to take a number of steps to reduce the impact of carbon emissions on Bumi Etam. For information, East Kalimantan Province has become a pioneer in terms of reducing carbon emissions in Indonesia by establishing an agreement based on the signing of an Emission Reduction Payment Agreement (ERPA) between the Government of Indonesia and the World Bank's Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) for activities to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. (HUMAS/NS).