"Making the Department of Forest Products Processing Technology as one of the leading pillars of the Samarinda Politani that is able to develop and apply science and technology in the field of Forestry and Plantation"
- Produce graduates who excel in the field of agricultural technology and morals;
- Carry out applied research that supports education and advances in science and technology in the plantation and forestry sector;
- Take an active role in producing innovative works that are beneficial for improving the welfare of the community;
- Establish sustainable collaboration with educational institutions, applied research institutions, government, business and society;
- Develop organizations, new programs in the Department of Agricultural Technology that are in accordance with the demands of the times and improve transparent and quality management in a sustainable manner.
- Produce graduates who have competence in the field of agricultural technology and are able to compete in the world of work;
- As a reference for vocational education in the field of agricultural technology.
- Learning system and academic atmosphere;
- Learners;
- Lecturers and education staff;
- Department development and collaboration
The Study Programs managed by the Department of Environment and Forestry are:
- Forest Product Processing Study Program (D3 education level)
- Wood Engineering Study Program (D4 education level)