Forest Product Processing Technology

Forest Product Processing Technology Study Program


    "To make the Forest Product Processing study program a center for excellent and professional vocational education in the field of Forest Product Technology"

  1. Always side with the national interest in the provision of reliable human resources. The Forest Product Processing Study Program organizes an educational process to become a center for producing professional, skilled and tough workers and has an entrepreneurial spirit (entrepreneurship).
  2. Always prioritizing global insight and positive thinking for the advancement of national technology, the Forest Products Management Study Program actively reviews and develops an education system for forest product technology, especially the forestry industry and the optimal utilization of forest potential.
  3. Forest Products Processing Study Program actively conducts research and studies on implementation as well as community service in the field of forest product technology by always paying attention to local wisdom;
  4. Forest Products Processing Study Program actively establish partnerships as the implementation of science in the field of forest product technology;
  5. Forest Products Processing Study Program plays an active role in developing and implementing academic moral values ​​and ethics.

  1. Produce graduates as Associate Experts who are ready to use and are professionals in the field of forest product technology;
  2. Produce graduates who have an entrepreneurial spirit and are able to compete in the global era;
  3. Conducting applicable research and collaboration with various related parties, both government and private as well as the community;
  4. Organizing education with a transparent management system in order to create a conducive academic atmosphere.
  1. The creation of reliable and professional Forest Product Processing graduates through the development of learning systems and improvement of learning facilities and infrastructure as well as creating a good academic atmosphere;
  2. Increasing the quality of research in the field of Forest Product Technology which will enrich knowledge and develop the potential of the forestry industry and local wisdom by improving the quality of laboratories, human resources, collaboration and publications.

  1. Ir. Wartomo, MP – NIP. 19631028 198803 1 003
  2. Ir. Iskandar, MP – NIP. 19591119 198710 1 001
  3. Ir. Yusdiansyah, MP – NIP. 19591216 198903 1 002
  4. Ir. H. Abdul Kadir Yusran – NIP. 19540710 198703 1 003
  5. M. Fikri Hernandi, S. Hut., MP –  NIP. 19701127 199802 1 001
  6. Ir. H. Taman Alex, MP – NIP. 19600121 198903 1 008
  7. Ir. Joko Prayitno, MP – NIP. 19660704 199203 1 005
  8. Dr. Ir. F. Dwi Joko Priyono, MP – NIP. 19581017 198803 1 001
  9. Abdul Rasyid Zarta, S.Hut., MP – NIP. 19750827 199903 1 001
  10.  Ir. Sarbin, M.Si – NIP. 19600406 199303 1 002
  11. Ir. Syafi’i, MP – NIP. 19680610 199512 1 001
  12. Ir. Sumiati – NIP. 19590612 198903 2 004
  13. Heriad Daud Salusu, S.Hut., MP – NIP. 19700830 199703 1 001
  14. Ir. Andi Yusuf, MP – NIP. 19621022 199803 1 001
  15. Erina Hertianti, S.Hut., MP – NIP. 19700503 199512 2 002
  16. Dr. Ita Merni Patula, SE, MM – NIP. 19720525 200212 2 010
  17. Firna Novari, S.Hut., MP – NIP. 19710717 199702 2 001
  18. Eva Nurmarini, S.Hut., MP – NIP. 19750808 199903 2 002
       1. Nurhamidah – (NIP. 19661223 199303 2 002)
       2. Endang Sri Sutrisniyati, S.Pd – (NIP. 19601114 199002 2 001)