wood engineering

Wood Engineering Study Program


    Becoming an Excellent Diploma 4 Study Program in the Field of Wood Engineering

  1. Develop knowledge in the field of wood engineering and emphasize research based on competence, skills, technology, ethics and local wisdom
  2. Organizing continuing education for diploma level 4 and professions in the field of wood product design, wood quality improvement and wooden building construction
  3. Forming graduates who are moral, tough, skilled, creative and have an entrepreneurial spirit
  4. Increase community service on the basis of social responsibility.
  5. Ensure sustainable cooperation with educational institutions, research institutions, government and the business world as well as the community.

  1. Producing applied undergraduate graduates who have the competence, skills, mastery of science and technology that are ethical
  2. Producing applied technology in the field of wood engineering that can be used to improve people's lives
  3. Produce graduates who are moral, tough, skilled, creative and have an entrepreneurial spirit
  4. Produce published scientific and research works in the field of timber
  5. Produce sustainable collaboration with educational institutions, research institutions, government and the business world as well as the community

  1. Dr. Ir. Iskandar, MP – NIP. 19591119 198710 1 001
  2. Dr. Ir. F. Dwi Joko Priyono, MP – NIP. 19581017 198803 1 001
  3. Ir. Yusdiansyah, MP – NIP. 19591216 198903 1 002
  4. Dr. Ir. Taman Alex, MP – NIP. 19600121 198903 1 008
  5. Dr. Ir. Syafi’i, MP – NIP. 19680610 199512 1 001
  6. Dr. Abdul Rasyid Zarta, S.Hut., MP – NIP. 19750827 199903 1 001
  7. Eva Nurmarini, S.Hut., MP – NIP. 19750808 199903 2 002
  8. Dr. Ita Merni Patulak, SE, MM – NIP. 19720525 200212 2 010
  1. Erdawati – NIP. 19650602 19902 2 001)
  2. Rusydi, A.Md