Collaborating with Industry, Politani Samarinda Begins to Develop Agriculture on Former Mining Land

Collaborating with Industry, Politani Samarinda Begins to Develop Agriculture on Former Mining Land
Samarinda (21/06/2024) - Samarinda State Agricultural Polytechnic (Politani) and PT Insani Bara Perkasa have agreed to develop joint research in the context of managing ex-mining land. It is hoped that this collaboration can provide a solution for utilizing ex-mining land for agriculture.

As the first step in the research collaboration entitled "Revitalization of Sustainable Agroforestry-Based Agro-Education Development Using Biochar on Post-Coal Mining Land in East Kalimantan" it began with planting trees at the mining site owned by PT Insani Bara Perkasa in Loa Janan Kutai Kartanegara. The planting was carried out by the Director of Politani Samarinda (Hamka), Director/Head of Mining Engineering (Agus Wiramsya Oscar), Deputy Director III (Husmul Beze), and Deputy Director IV for Cooperation and Public Relations of Samarinda State Polytechnic (Said Keliwar).

The Director of Politani Samarinda, Hamka, in his speech said that this research collaboration with industry cannot be separated from the challenges given by the Acting Governor of East Kalimantan during the first harvest activity at Politani Samarinda. At that time, Acting. The Governor of East Kalimantan, Akmal Malik, asked that the Politani Samarinda be able to develop agriculture on the waste-mining land which is abundant in East Kalimantan.

"As a vocational college that focuses on agriculture as its specific advantage, the Samarinda State Agricultural Polytechnic is committed to supporting government programs and realizing food sovereignty in East Kalimantan through the preparation of superior agricultural human resources (HR), as well as the development of various appropriate agricultural models with regional characteristics. "One of them is farming on ex-mining land," said Hamka.

Apart from being the initial stage of research collaboration with industry, planting plants on ex-mining land is also part of commemorating Environmental Day.

On this occasion, Hamka did not forget to express his gratitude to PT Insani Bara Perkasa for their collaboration to develop this joint research. Hamka hopes that this joint research can produce a joint innovation in solving the problems faced so far. The main thing is related to how to use ex-mining land for agricultural activities and other productive activities.

Meanwhile, the Samarinda Politani lecturers involved in this project are Kiamah Fathirizki Agsa Kamarati, Adnan Putra Pratama, Pandhu Rochman Sousa Putra, Adelia Juli Kardika, and Christine Elia Benedicta. This research also involved lecturers from the Samarinda State Polytechnic (Polnes), namely Ruspita Sihombing and Wahyuni ​​Eka Sari.

For your information, after the success of Politani Samarinda was deemed successful in developing organic farming in East Kalimantan, the Acting (Pj.) Governor of East Kalimantan challenged the Director of Politani Samarinda and his students to use ex-mining land as agriculture in the broadest sense.

"I gave the first challenge to the Director of Politani Samarinda three months ago and now it has been implemented, it has been harvested. Good. For the second challenge, I want female students to farm on ex-mining land. "We're looking for the land, when it's ready, we'll start in September," said Akmal during the Initial Harvest of the Samarinda Polytani Organic Crop Pilot Plot some time ago. (Humas/PUS)