Field Assessment Reaccreditation of Environmental Management Study Program Politani Samarinda

27 November 2021

Reaccreditation of Environmental Management
In the context of implementing the 2021 accreditation, the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education has carried out an online Field Assessment of the Environmental Management Study Program at the D3 program of the Samarinda State Agricultural Polytechnic. The Environmental Management Study Program is one of the Study Programs that has the opportunity to take part in a field assessment as a series of proposals for reaccreditation of the Environmental Management Study Program that has been submitted. The environment in the D3 program of the Samarinda State Agricultural Polytechnic was declared to have passed the field assessment stage.

This online field assessment presents Dr. Bambang Yudono., M.Sc. from Sriwijaya University and Prof. Dr. Eddy Heraldy, M.Si from Sebelas Maret University as the Assessor Team for the National Accreditation Board – Higher Education which will be held Friday-Saturday, 26-27 November 2021.  Accreditation is an assessment activity to determine the feasibility of Study Programs and Higher Education in accordance with the criteria that have been set based on the National Higher Education Standards Law Number 12 of 2012. The Environmental Management Study Program Accreditation Team is chaired by the Head of the Study Program Fachruddin Aswari, ST, M. Si. and Head of Department of Forest Management Ir. Masrudy, M.P. together with the entire team, have worked hard to prepare all the documents and supporting data needed for the preparation and implementation of this field assessment.

The two assessors when conducting a field assessment checked the documents and other supporting data according to the form data that had been entered by the team, then continued with discussions and questions and answers regarding the contents of the accreditation form and self-evaluation to the head of study programs, lecturers and students of the Environmental Management study program. .Hamka as the Director of Politani Samarinda, said that there are still things that need to be improved and completed, but what was conveyed during the field assessment was valid information, he hoped that the Environmental Management (PL) study program would get the best results. And on behalf of the leadership, thank you for your hard work, working with the accreditation team so that this field assessment runs smoothly. He concluded (Humas/AL)