Muhammad Barokah donated a national trophy for his beloved campus Politani Samarinda, After competing with dozens of participants from various Polytechnics throughout Indonesia in the MTQ event held at the Pangkep State Agricultural Polytechnic. Students from the Plantation Products Technology study program at the State Agricultural Polytechnic won the third place in the MTQ Competition for Polytechnics throughout Indonesia by the UKM Islamic Student Study Institute (LKMI) of the Pangkajene Islands State Agricultural Polytechnic (Politani), Makassar, in 2022.
The stages of the MTQ Competition for Polytechnics throughout Indonesia include the registration period and the delivery of recitation videos from October 5 to s.d. 20 October 2022; The competition was held according to the online category via zoom on October 27, 2022. The Samarinda Politani included 3 students in the Tilawah branch, namely Muhammad Aldo Ibrahim Usay Anarky, Sri Rezeki Wahyuni and Muhammad Barokah, but only Muhammad Barokah qualified for the final.
Husmul Beze as deputy director of 3 student affairs who is also a coach is very proud of the success of his students, this indicates that more and more Samarinda Politani students love the Qur'an and adorn Politani Samarinda's morals as a whole, and hopefully more students will be motivated so that blessings and the glory will surround Politani Samarinda, he said.
This activity, which was held for the first time, was carried out online and attended by active Polytechnic students throughout Indonesia, both D3 and D4, the winners of the activity, will receive e-certificates and coaching money for the 1,2 and 3 place winners. (Humas/AL).
The stages of the MTQ Competition for Polytechnics throughout Indonesia include the registration period and the delivery of recitation videos from October 5 to s.d. 20 October 2022; The competition was held according to the online category via zoom on October 27, 2022. The Samarinda Politani included 3 students in the Tilawah branch, namely Muhammad Aldo Ibrahim Usay Anarky, Sri Rezeki Wahyuni and Muhammad Barokah, but only Muhammad Barokah qualified for the final.
Husmul Beze as deputy director of 3 student affairs who is also a coach is very proud of the success of his students, this indicates that more and more Samarinda Politani students love the Qur'an and adorn Politani Samarinda's morals as a whole, and hopefully more students will be motivated so that blessings and the glory will surround Politani Samarinda, he said.
This activity, which was held for the first time, was carried out online and attended by active Polytechnic students throughout Indonesia, both D3 and D4, the winners of the activity, will receive e-certificates and coaching money for the 1,2 and 3 place winners. (Humas/AL).