Politani Samarinda Held Online PKKMB 2021

3 September 2021

PKKMB 2021
After completing all the selection pathways for new student admissions for the 2021/2022 academic year, with a total of 400 new students, Politani Samarinda held an Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB), considering the Covid-19 pandemic which is still endemic, it is not possible to hold activities offline, then PKKMB takes place online. The implementation of the online PKKMB in 2021 is the second time it has been held. PKKMB is an official new student admission activity, by providing materials related to the introduction of the campus, where before the pandemic the activities took place offline for several days.

This year's PKKMB presented several presenters as in previous years consisting of Deputy Director 1 , Deputy Director II, III and IV, Head of Department, Korem, BNN, Parabus, Hima, UKM, Politani Alumni and heads of Study programs in the Samarinda Politani environment. . This activity was carried out virtually through the Zoom meeting application for 4 days, namely Monday (30/08/2021) to Thursday (2/09/2021). This series of PKKMB activities was marked by various activities such as the provision of academic material, student affairs, student organizations, State Defense, prevention of intolerance, radicalism and terrorism. and of course can not be separated from the assignment.

Considering that the Covid-19 pandemic has not ended and the policy of limiting face-to-face meetings is still in effect and PPKM level 4 is still in effect in the Samarinda area, the PKKMB will be conducted online. This is done not only in order to follow the rules set by the Government, but also as the commitment of the Samarinda Politany Institution in supporting all efforts to reduce the rate of transmission of Covid-19 in the community. Said Heriad Daud Wadir 1 in the academic field of Politani.  Starting the PKKMB activity, all new students listened to the remarks of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbud-Ristek) Nadiem Anwar Makarim. In his remarks, he congratulated new students (maba) who had climbed to a higher level, had greater freedom of learning in determining the direction of the future. The Merdeka Campus Program is an opportunity for students to explore themselves more in demanding education, you can study outside the study program for 3 semesters, take part in the Merdeka Campus program, including internships in companies or agencies or social organizations, building villages and others, he explained.

At the Opening of Campus Life Introduction Activities for New Students (PKKMB) in 2021, Hamka as the Director launched the tagline "Politani Samarinda Bisa". Politani Samarinda can be meant is Politani Samarinda can create human resources that are creative, innovative and competitive. With such human resources, Hamka believes the Samarinda Politani will become strong and can strengthen Indonesia. In accordance with the theme of the 2021 PKKMB, namely "Samarinda Politani is Strong to Strengthen Indonesia".  Hamka also emphasized that Politani Samarinda has had a number of achievements in an effort to achieve its vision, namely in 2035 to become a superior vocational education provider comparatively and competitively at national and international standards, meanwhile Politani Samarinda since 2020 has succeeded in obtaining the title as a campus with Very Good accreditation. . This achievement proves that Politani Samarinda has good quality academically, service and achievement. the light  “Although the lecture process will still be applied online, I hope that new students can remain enthusiastic in welcoming the first year of their studies. Let's pray that the pandemic will subside soon, so that Politani can hold full face-to-face lectures and conditions will gradually return to normal," Hamka hoped. (Humas/AL).