Politani Samarinda and Diskominfo Synergizing on Creating Qualified Human Resource

11 September 2021

Politani and Diskominfo
Director of the Samarinda State Agricultural Polytechnic, Hamka S.TP., M.Sc., MP. together with his staff visited the Office of Communication and Information Technology in East Kalimantan. The gathering and visit to Diskominfo was immediately greeted warmly and in a friendly atmosphere by the Head of the Communications and Informatics Service, Muhammad Faisal, S.Sos., M.Si, accompanied by the Head of IKP and Public Relations, Irene Yuriantini in her office on Friday ( 10/9/2021).  During his visit to the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, jl. Basuki Rahmat, Director of Samarinda Politani Hamka S.TP., M.Sc., MP. together with the management team conveyed the purpose of their visit that in addition to staying in touch, they also intended to build synergy and establish cooperation with Diskominfo in developing the world of education related to the Software Engineering Technology Study Program which was formerly known as Information Management. IT and ready to work. he said.

Hamka expressed his gratitude to Diskominfo for facilitating students to do internships at Diskominfo, we really hope for support from Diskominfo for the provision of learning infrastructure (IT) and hope that they can also become a teaching team (guest lecturer) in several courses at related study programs,” said Hamka.  Meanwhile, Faisal as the Head of the East Kalimantan Discominfo highly appreciates the arrival of the Director and his staff, learning opportunities for students are very open as well as if you want to do internships or street vendors in this place. he said. He further conveyed his readiness to become a guest lecturer or teaching team at Politani Samarinda, if needed, Faisal will provide free time and will continue to coordinate related to education development, he hopes that the Politani and Diskominfo meeting will result in good cooperation that can synergize both for research and for Information Technology development. so as to print a quality generation, he added (Humas/AL).