Increasing the Digital Economy of RT. 14 Sempaja Selatan Samarinda through the Digihet Program

6 September 2024

Digihet Program Socialization and Training in the South Sempaja Village Hall
Teaching staff together with students from the Samarinda State Agricultural Polytechnic in collaboration with the Mutiara Mahakam Samarinda College of Health Sciences have held Community Service activities with the theme Increasing the Digital Economy through the Digihet Program.
This activity is carried out as an effort to improve the quality of health through implementing a Clean and Healthy Living Behavior pattern through 10 behaviors. The ten behaviors in the household include childbirth assisted by health workers; give the baby exclusive breast milk; weighing babies and toddlers; use clean water; wash your hands with clean water and soap; using healthy latrines; eradicating larvae at home; eat fruit and vegetables every day; do physical activity every day; and do not smoke in the house. Apart from that, partners are taught to be able to use digital applications.
This collaboration between digital technology education and health education is called the DIGIHET (Digital and Health) Program. The general aim of PKM is to improve the quality of the digital economy of Pokmas SETARA partners through improving the quality of health and digital literacy skills. Specifically, PKM focuses on community empowerment to improve partners' skills in implementing healthy lifestyles and utilizing digital technology to improve the economic quality of families in RT.14 Sempaja Selatan Subdistrict, North Samarinda District, Samarinda City. This PKM shows that there is a real manifestation of the implementation of the Samarinda State Agricultural Polytechnic's Independent Learning Campus (MBKM) which collaborates with other universities in different scientific fields, namely the information technology field and the health field.
This activity received a positive response from local residents and through the assessment results it was found that there had been an increase in residents' skills in carrying out PHBS and using applications by 92%. This activity is a form of implementation of the duties of the STIKES Mutiara Mahakam Samarinda academic community in implementing the tri dharma of higher education.