Through Halal Bi Halal "Strengthen Silaturahmi, Build Togetherness and Improve Performance Together"

Halal Bi Halal 2022
Halal bi halal is a tradition of Indonesian society which is carried out after Eid Al-Fitr 1 Syawal, this activity is a unique annual tradition and is still maintained by the community, not to forget this event is often also carried out among government agencies and companies or maybe educational institutions. Located at the Auditorium of the Samarinda State Agricultural Polytechnic campus, a halal bihalal event for the big family of the Samarinda State Agricultural Polytechnic was held. Attending this event were the entire academic community which included; Director, Deputy Director (1, 2, 3 and 4), Lecturer, PLP, Administrative Staff, Security and Cleaning Staff (CPNS and Honorary Staff) in the Samarinda State Agricultural Polytechnic campus.

In its implementation, the event was started and opened by Dr. Andi Lisnawati, SP., M.Sc. as the host of this event. It was followed by the reading of the holy verses of the Koran by Muhammad Nurdin, a Samarinda Politani student who also won 3rd place in the National Polytechnic Ramadan Echoing Competition in 2022. Meanwhile, the Director of the Samarinda State Agricultural Polytechnic, Hamka, S.TP., M.Sc., M.P. In his speech, he said that Halal bihalal is an Islamic teaching that emphasizes an attitude of togetherness, forgiveness, forgiving each other because humans in the course of their lives never escape from mistakes and sins. it is hoped that through Halal Bihalal we are ready to return to carrying out our duties and achieve the performance targets that have been set and build togetherness to achieve success, as the theme raised, let's strengthen our friendship, together build Politani and prepare ourselves to build IKN, don't let us become spectators in our own area, said Hamka.

The material for the Halal Bi Halal lecture was filled by Ustadz Muhammad Faturrahman or commonly known as Ustadz Pink Al Koetai in his tausiah he delivered several messages that matched the theme of this activity, the first being PATIENCE “Patience is the key in solving various life problems. The higher a person's level of patience, the more prepared he is to face a problem. People who are patient are people who have high values ​​in life and their environment, so rest assured that every patience we do will be a reward for us later in the hereafter" second THANKFUL "gratitude is part of gratitude, relief, joy, pride, and still much more. And the third SINCERE "sincere is a clean heart, sincere heart. In terms of human relations, sincerity means giving help with sincerity. Meanwhile, sincerity means an honesty or willingness. Another way that can encourage someone to be more sincere is to hide their good deeds. A person can hide the good deeds that are prescribed and more important, such as sunnah prayers, sunnah fasting, and others. Good deeds that are done without the knowledge of others can encourage sincerity, because no one encourages him to do that good except for the sake of Allah alone. he said.

Ustadz H.M Faturrahman who appeared in a distinctive pink robe delivered a lecture in a relaxed but captivating manner, because it was punctuated with jokes that invited laughter from invited guests, especially mothers who heard jokes from the ustadz from Kutai. At the end of his lecture he advised to always spread kindness, continue to worship even though Ramadan has gone and must increase gratitude, he concluded, then he ended his lecture with a prayer. The activity was closed by shaking hands by the entire academic community, followed by a friendly greeting and a group photo. (Humas/AL)