Samarinda (03/08/2023). Samarinda State Agricultural Polytechnic (Politani Samarinda) students successfully won two prestigious awards at the National Level at the V 2023 National Polytechnic Informatics Student Competition (KMIPN) which was held at the Surabaya State Electronic Polytechnic (PENS) from 31 July to 02 August 2023. In the 2023 National Polytechnic Informatics Student Competition (KMIPN) at the fifth event, this is of course proud because it is a prestigious event in the field of Informatics for Polytechnics throughout Indonesia where the Surabaya State Electronics Polytechnic (PENS) is the host with the theme "Vocation Creating Campus Achievement Towards Innovation Informatics”.
Politani Samarinda sent 4 teams for each competition category, namely the Animation Category, the Internet of Things (IoT) Category, the Hackathon Category, and the ICT Innovation Creation Category. Accompanying the Samarinda Politani Team, Wadir III Husmul Beze, S.Hut., M.Sc, who immediately conveyed this encouraging news via Whatsapp. The 2023 KMIPN Final was attended by 4 Politani Samarinda Teams where 2 teams won in 2 categories, namely the Animation Category as Best Idea and Storyline by the NIMAC Team and the Internet of Things (IoT) Category as Best Poster I by the POC Politani Team. Two other teams that have struggled in the 2023 KMIPN event but have yet to win the title are Team Inno and Team NNP.
Politani Samarinda sent 4 teams for each competition category, namely the Animation Category, the Internet of Things (IoT) Category, the Hackathon Category, and the ICT Innovation Creation Category. Accompanying the Samarinda Politani Team, Wadir III Husmul Beze, S.Hut., M.Sc, who immediately conveyed this encouraging news via Whatsapp. The 2023 KMIPN Final was attended by 4 Politani Samarinda Teams where 2 teams won in 2 categories, namely the Animation Category as Best Idea and Storyline by the NIMAC Team and the Internet of Things (IoT) Category as Best Poster I by the POC Politani Team. Two other teams that have struggled in the 2023 KMIPN event but have yet to win the title are Team Inno and Team NNP.
Tim Politani KMIPN 2023:
- Animation Category
Winner: Best Idea & Storyline
Team Name: NIMAC
Supervising Lecturer: Bagus Satria, S.Kom., M.Kom.
Team Name: NIMAC
Supervising Lecturer: Bagus Satria, S.Kom., M.Kom.
- Aldino Fatahillah Wardana
- Raihan Maheswara Rawanggalih
- Cici Marcela
- Ilham Risaldi
- Muh. Nikon Riski Yahrib
- IoT Category
Winner: Best Poster 1
Supervising Lecturer: Imron, S.Pd., M.Eng.
Supervising Lecturer: Imron, S.Pd., M.Eng.
- Anjela
- M. Wahyu Syaf'iul Alam
- Sugih Niansyah
- Hackathon Category
Team Name: Inno
Supervising Lecturer: Eko Junirianto, S.Kom., M.Cs
Supervising Lecturer: Eko Junirianto, S.Kom., M.Cs
- Mujizatul Wahyudi
- Hadi Firmansyah
- Silviana Maharani
- TIK Innovation and Creation Category
Team Name: NNP
Supervising Lecturer: Muslimin B., S.Kom., M.Cs.
- Risman
- Ferdian Ardhana Rura
- Ananda Bebie Septiyani