Hima-Bun Students from the Politani Samarinda Plantation Cultivation Study Program Develop Organic Farming in Kutai Lama Village, Anggana District

18 October 2023

Hima-Bun Students from the Politani Samarinda Plantation Cultivation Study Program Develop Organic Farming in Kutai Lama Village, Anggana District
Samarinda 18/10/2023 A group of students who are members of the Plantation Plant Cultivation Study Program Student Association (HIMA-BUN) of the Samarinda State Agricultural Polytechnic (Politani Samarinda), developed organic farming in Kutai Lama Village, Anggana District. This activity is a series of activities from the Village Community Empowerment Program (P2MD) which received funding from DIKTI-VOKASI for the 2023 Fiscal Year with the title: "IMPLEMENTATION OF ORGANIC AGRICULTURE IN KUTAI LAMA VILLAGE, AGGANA DISTRICT THROUGH THE PRODUCTION OF ECO-BOOST ORGANIC FERTILIZER BASED ON LOCAL RESOURCES" chaired by Muhammad Fauzan Bintang Andaswara Together with 9 other people, namely Syaiful Arifin, Dimas Eko SP, M. Ma'ruf Bahruddin, Ryan Adipratama, Rendi Fedrik AD, Deka A. Prayuga, Ahmad Ade JA, Sri Rodearni, and Lira Sonia.

They work to apply the knowledge they already have and the direction and guidance of the Accompanying Lecturer Mr. La Mudi, S.P., M.P. This P2MD activity has gone through 2 stages, namely the Proposal stage and the presentation stage until this proposal receives funding. This activity is carried out by student organizations and partners. P2MD activities are carried out by utilizing local resources in the community and combined with the results of university research, by producing Eco-Boost organic fertilizer for organic vegetable production.

This activity was carried out from June to November 2023. The implementation of this activity began with an introduction to the program with partners (Pemuda Tani Mandiri), followed by the manufacture of MOL (Local Microorganisms) which came from local resources in the form of bamboo roots and were enriched with rhizobacteria which are the result of university research, which has the ability to increase plant growth and yield and is able to control plant diseases. Next, the MOL is used as a biodecomposer to make Eco-Boost compost fertilizer. Eco-Boost compost fertilizer is made by utilizing agricultural waste in the form of rice straw, husks,

goat dung and also secondary vegetation in the form of grass that grows in community gardens. The finished fertilizer is then used to cultivate organic vegetables including kale, mustard greens and tomatoes. In this activity, the manufacture and application of vegetable pesticides are also carried out to control pests and plant diseases so that healthy vegetables will be obtained free of pesticides. Each implementation of this activity involves partners as beneficiaries.

In this activity, counseling and plot demonstrations were also carried out for target community groups which were also attended by youth farmers, farmer groups, women farmer groups, village representatives and BTP lecturers Mr. Nur Hidayat and Deputy Director III, Mr. Husmul Beze (as a form of support from college). In this activity, material was presented on organic farming, technical aspects of making MOL, Eco-Boost organic fertilizer and making vegetable pesticides. MOL has been used by one of the farmers to apply it to rice plants with a significant increase in yield. It is hoped that this P2MD activity can be followed by all farmer groups in Kutai Lama Village, Anggana District, and can even be adopted by other villages (LAMUDI).