Politani Samarinda carried out a Flag Ceremony which was attended by Employees, Employees and Students at the Courtyard of the Politani Rectorate Building Friday (17/02/2023). Acting as Ceremony Inspector Director of Politani Samarinda, Mr. Hamka, S.TP, MP., M.Sc., The implementation of the flag ceremony this time is more special because it coincides with the 34th Anniversary of Politani Samarinda with the theme "Unite and Work for Independent" In carrying out the ceremony, the Director of Politani Samarinda handed over 100% PNS SK for 20 employees consisting of 17 Lecturers and 3 Administrative Staff who had carried out Basic Training (Latsar) to become State Civil Apparatus (ASN). Samarinda State Agricultural Polytechnic accompanied by Ms. Assistant Director II for Finance and Personnel Affairs Eva Nurmarini S.Hut.,M.P.
In the framework of the 34th Anniversary of Politani Samarinda, the Award Certificate was also presented by the Director to Mitra Politani Samarinda, namely PT. Sentosa Kalimantan Jaya as a Partner who is highly committed to the education sector, especially at Politani Samarinda. The Award Charter was also given to Politani Samarinda employees, employees, and students in the form of an award category as the Best Head of Department for the 2019-2023 period, namely Dr. Ir. Budi Winarni, MP, Head of the Best Study Program for the 2019-2023 period namely Eny Maria, M.Cs , 2022 Innovative Lecturer namely Reza Andrea, M.Kom., and Lecturer, PLP, non-PNS Administration, Security and the Best Cleaning Staff in 2022 other. Award certificates were also given to students who were all from the Software Engineering Technology Study Program as a form of appreciation for their achievements in creating Project Base Learning learning programs for Student Applications.
The award for the Best Head of Department Category for the 2019-2023 period was given to Dr. Ir. Budi Winarni, MP as Chair of the Department of Plantation for the 2019-2023 period. In the flag ceremony this time, the Director of Politani Samarinda conveyed his mandate that the 34th Anniversary of Politani Samarinda was a milestone in the start of Politani Samarinda's journey to prepare to become a PTN BLU, so it takes enthusiasm and hard work and cooperation that goes beyond normal work and normal conditions because Politani Samarinda wants to position itself as the best campus in Indonesia and on a par with state universities that have been advanced and victorious.
The Director also added that Politani Samarinda, which is 34 years old, is the work of the Directors of Politani Samarinda who have dedicated their minds and energy in the form of Master Pieces, so that Politani Samarinda has so far experienced development and progress in it. In this mandate, the Director also invited all participants of the ceremony to pray together for the Directors of Politani Samarinda who have passed away so that Allah SWT will give them the best place, and for the remaining Directors to always be given health by Allah SWT. (Humas/PU, NS).
In the framework of the 34th Anniversary of Politani Samarinda, the Award Certificate was also presented by the Director to Mitra Politani Samarinda, namely PT. Sentosa Kalimantan Jaya as a Partner who is highly committed to the education sector, especially at Politani Samarinda. The Award Charter was also given to Politani Samarinda employees, employees, and students in the form of an award category as the Best Head of Department for the 2019-2023 period, namely Dr. Ir. Budi Winarni, MP, Head of the Best Study Program for the 2019-2023 period namely Eny Maria, M.Cs , 2022 Innovative Lecturer namely Reza Andrea, M.Kom., and Lecturer, PLP, non-PNS Administration, Security and the Best Cleaning Staff in 2022 other. Award certificates were also given to students who were all from the Software Engineering Technology Study Program as a form of appreciation for their achievements in creating Project Base Learning learning programs for Student Applications.
The award for the Best Head of Department Category for the 2019-2023 period was given to Dr. Ir. Budi Winarni, MP as Chair of the Department of Plantation for the 2019-2023 period. In the flag ceremony this time, the Director of Politani Samarinda conveyed his mandate that the 34th Anniversary of Politani Samarinda was a milestone in the start of Politani Samarinda's journey to prepare to become a PTN BLU, so it takes enthusiasm and hard work and cooperation that goes beyond normal work and normal conditions because Politani Samarinda wants to position itself as the best campus in Indonesia and on a par with state universities that have been advanced and victorious.
The Director also added that Politani Samarinda, which is 34 years old, is the work of the Directors of Politani Samarinda who have dedicated their minds and energy in the form of Master Pieces, so that Politani Samarinda has so far experienced development and progress in it. In this mandate, the Director also invited all participants of the ceremony to pray together for the Directors of Politani Samarinda who have passed away so that Allah SWT will give them the best place, and for the remaining Directors to always be given health by Allah SWT. (Humas/PU, NS).