
Reza Andrea, S.Kom., M.Kom

Riwayat Penelitian
No. Tahun Judul Lama (Thn)
1 2019 An intelligent agent of finite state machine in educational game "Flora the Explorer" 1
2 2017 Clustering Tipe Belajar siswa SMKN 2 Penaajam Paser Utara dengan Penerapan metode data mining K-Means dan Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) 1
3 2016 Membangun Visualisasi 3D gedung STMIK Widya Cipta Dharma berbasis AR pada brosur 1
Riwayat Kekayaan Intelektual (HKI/Paten)
No. Kategori Judul Jenis KI Download
Riwayat Publikasi
No. Asal Judul Tanggal Jenis Publikasi Download
1 SINTA Face Recognition Using Histogram of Oriented Gradients with TensorFlow in Surveillance Camera on Raspberry Pi. 2022-02-01 Jurnal internasional Download
2 SINTA Development of “Explores the Tenggarong Cityâ€￾ Using Autonomous Response of Adaptive NPC 2021-02-01 Jurnal internasional Download
3 SISTER An intelligent agent of finite state machine in educational game "Flora the Explorer" 2019-11-07 Prosiding seminar internasional
4 SISTER Magic Boosed an Elementary School Geometry Textbook with Marker-Based Augmented Reality 2019-06-01 Jurnal internasional
5 SISTER The Clustering Analysis of Learning Style on High School Student with Implementation Data Mining Method: k-Means and Fuzzy C-Means (Case Study: SMAN 1 Anggana) 2019-06-01 Jurnal internasional
6 SISTER Intelligent Information and Database Systems: Recent Developments 2019-03-06 Book chapter internasional
7 SISTER Edugame Etam-Tainment Pembelajaran Bahasa Kutai dengan Shuffle Random dan Agen Cerdas 2018-08-01 Jurnal nasional terakreditasi
8 SISTER Cluster Analysis for Learning Style of Vocational High School Student Using K-Means and FUZZY C-MEANS (FCM) 2017-12-02 Jurnal nasional terakreditasi
9 SISTER Membangun Visualisasi 3d Gedung Stmik Widya Cipta Dharma Berbasis Augmented Reality Pada Brosur Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru 2016-01-01 Jurnal nasional
Riwayat Anggota Profesi
No. Organisasi Peran Mulai Berakhir